Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bristol Borough Mural Project #2

At the end of day 4 we are ahead of schedule. Day 3 we had 38 painters signed in,and kept our interns very busy just to keep up with the paint mixing.
The mural is tobe installed on this building and this is a photo of the Mural.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Bristol Borough Mural Project

The Bristol Borough Mural Project -
After months of meetings and the final approval for the Mural,the first meeting of Painting in the Park,was a big success,7/13/2009. The three interns for the project,transferred the image to the material,which is like parachute fabric,then prepped with a coat of gesso. Then about 18 brushes went to it,with lots of fun.
I arrived,about 40min.late. I was surprised to see many friends, some were from my very first art group that I painted with. It is refreshing to see Old Friends and to make new ones. There is not a thing better than painting as a group for good fellowship and community spirit.
A big thumbs up to Bristol Borough and all that are helping on this project.
I will keep you up to date,stop back soon.